Diploma Equivalency
Institutions who receive accreditation from the Association of Christian Education can provide their students with the ability to receive an additional degree, from a different institution at the same time.
Our Partnering Institution:
Queens College of Theology
Degrees Available:
Bachelor of Ministry
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Counseling
Master of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership
Master of Divinity
Master of Arts in Christian Counseling
Doctor of Theology
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology-Theology
If any of your degree programs align with the eligible programs from Queens College of Theology, your students have the opportunity to transfer 100% of their credits to Queens College of Theology, where they will be awarded a diploma and rights as alumni. Each transferred student will be issued a printed diploma and a Parchment.com Authentic eDiploma (which is displayed below). The printed diploma looks identical to the top, but with embossed masthead and blue foil stamp.

Total cost for the transfer of credits and degree processing will be $250 per student. If you are interested in having your students receive this benefit, please contact your assignment membership support member for the official transfer paperwork. Institutions are able to charge a higher transfer fee to their students to fund the additional work necessary for the transfer.
Here is the flyer you can print and hand to students!